Thanks Pat. Agreed; although we did get to "sleep in", as per usual, I was up somewhere around the butt-crack of dawn. I packed, showered, made fun of Chalupa as she was sleeping, thought about taking a video of Uno sleeping with her mouth open, spraying J.Bice with Steris foam and scaring her, or drawing ants on B, making her think she was being attacked. Instead, I took a cup of cold coffee, hauled myself up onto the roof of the hospital, and reflected upon the grueling week we've had. That was short-lived, as I spilled my coffee on my shorts, wanted to pop my blister, and realized I still had some beef jerky left. As Pat had said, we took a little R&R trip up into the mountains today, and I seriously have to tell you, it was the most amazing experience ever. Haiti is an absolutely beautiful country, and I think I'd like to come back...
Our bodies tapped, our minds burnt out, we witnessed history today, in a city that needs so much help...the innaguration of their new president. In case you didn't read Pat's last entry here...he's toatlly a favorite of mine...I'm passing the mike on to Uno...
Soooo, after several doses 0f Dramamine we head on our vacation day into the mountains. We started our day driving around Port-au-Prince. We photographed some gingerbread houses, graffiti, and the cathedral. We then went to the top of this incredible mountain where of course Tom asked 'what elevation are we at?' We dined at a restaurant where of course 9 our of 10 dinners came out as ordered. I know there is a language barrier but we have yet to receive a meal as it was ordered. We order a pepperoni pizza and we receive the 'special.' We did receive the rum and cokes as ordered. Are you supposed to be drunk after two sips? I was close to wasted. On the way back down the mountain we all pass out except for Beth. I feel she is still young and her P450's are still in their prime or she too would have been passed out. Aging does suck.
It's our last day and it feels unusually quiet especially since two of our groups members have left us. It would be nice for Adam Schuda and Paige Saunders to have been with us to the end, but unfortunately we are without our fellow teammates on our last night in Haiti. We worked extremely hard this past week and it has all gone by in a complete blur. It was nice to have one day and evening completely to ourselves to decompress after a week of hard work, a lot of memories, and a great time getting to know new friends...although we definitely miss our friends Adam and Paige on our last night in Haiti. As much as we are all excited to go home, I know I don't speak only for myself when I say that we all are a little sad to leave Haiti. We've helped a lot of people, we have created a lot of great memories, we have become closer friends, and we cannot wait to start planning our next trip. So from our last night in Haiti, good night, and thank you for all your support.
Ok, jess's turn...I'm going to start off by saying that i'm typing this at 11:47 so forgive my rambling. I was super excited for our "fun" day the guide, Jackie who took us on the city tour and up to the mountains was fabulous with all her local knowledge and insight on the haitian culture/history/people. It was also great to see another side of Haiti, the mountains had a much cooler(temp wise) atmosphere and the architecture was different from the crumbled and cramped buildings of the city. The farm feilds on the sides of the mountains are amazing and unfathomable how they get their crops to market. The greenery was refreshing. You could almost imagine vacationing in a place like this, the view was that good. So much more to tell but i"m loosing ste
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