It's 7:40am...I've been up for three hours, after going to bed five hours ago. Like I said before, there'll be time to sleep when I get back home. The General (Adam "Schupa" Schuda) left yesterday, while we were up to our elbows in children at the orphanage. "P" (Paige Saunders) left at 5:30am this morning...we're down to six of us now. We've exhausted all of our surgical and anesthesia knowledge; after 32 cases, never working less than 10 hours a da

y (most were 14-15 hour days), we're spent...with pitting edema, ridiculous ant bites, and waking up in your own pool of sweat, it's time we relax for an entire day. We'll be heading up to the mountains today, to see aome more of this amazingly beautiful country. It would've been so so nice to not have to return from the orphanage yesterday and work, but there were cases to do...patients needed our help...we came here to serve, so we did just that. We adapted, we did what we could...we wanted to rest, to sleep, to eat...but when life throws you a curve ball (or a wrist shot in the 5 hole for you hockey fans)...you just roll with the punches.

We were informed late last night there might be a strong possibility the power would be out around 7am (imagine that). Alas, here we sit around a table full of laptops, drinking instant Starbucks, in air-conditioning...aahhh, the simple pleasures in life. =) I'm glancing around the table, and I see amazing women (Pat not included) who gave their time, their money, lots of their sweat, and their huge hearts. I couldn't have asked to be with such wonderful people...Schupa and P included. It takes a special someone to be a missionary, the right heart, and the right mind. As we get ready to relax, and explore the countryside today, I'd like to show you the awesome team I've been blessed with...these are the people that make it happen...all of you helped make it happen for all of us, and for that...we thank you. Take a look, and we'll talk to you later tonight...

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